
I recommend Juan Doe to open up a new pet store in three different zip codes around the St. Paul, MN region:

  1. First is the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood (55105).
    They have high median income with many pet services and only one other pet store in the area. In order to succeed, John Doe needs to make sure that the type of items sold in the pet stores are different enough than the ones sold in grocery stores and the other pet store.

  2. Second is the Falcon Heights area (55108).
    They do not have a pet store, but veterinarian hospitals and animal shelters are in the area.

  3. Third is the Battle Creek neighborhood (55119).
    They have a similar make up as the Falcon Heights and a dog park nearby.


Sometime on March 2019, my wife and I decided to adopt a 10 year old dog named Filbert from the Animal Humane Society. Here is him in his natural habitat:

To ensure his happiness, we go to pet stores in our area for foods and treats quite regularly. On the other hand, I have also been trying to brush up on my k-means clustering algorithm understanding via IBM data science specialization. So I took it upon myself to do some research and came up with finding a new pet store location around St. Paul, MN area for my capstone project.

Unbeknown to me, US residents spent more than $36 billion for pet food and treats in 2019. So, pet store is a lucrative business to get into.

Target Audience

Our friend, Juan Doe, wants to open a new pet store in St. Paul, MN area, and has asked me to help finding a location for it. Cost of doing business in a metropolis city like St. Paul can be stratospheric. Therefore, market share analysis can be helpful in figuring out a good location / locations and reduce the risk of opening a store in a saturated area.

Data and Methodology

To run the analysis, I pulled several data from various sources:

  • Zipcode data from uszipcode Python package.
    It provides data for the latitude and longitude of all zipcode in the St. Paul, MN area along with the median household income.
zipcode med_income latitude longitude
0 55101 40300 44.95 -93.09
1 55102 46255 44.93 -93.12
2 55103 28899 44.97 -93.13
3 55104 44629 44.96 -93.17
4 55105 76472 44.93 -93.16
(30, 5)
json_zip_stpaul = stpaul_zip_merge.to_json(orient='split')
# mn_zipcodes = alt.topo_feature(url=json_zip_stpaul, feature='')

# background = alt.Chart(mn_zipcodes).mark_geoshape(
#     stroke='black'
# ).encode(
#     tooltip=['zipcode:N'],
# ).properties(
#     width=500,
#     height=350,
#     title=f'MN Zip Code'
# ).project('albersUsa')

# background
# background
# .transform_lookup(
#     lookup='properties.ZCTA5CE10',
#     from_=alt.LookupData(data=zipStPaul,key='zipcode',
#                          fields=['zipcode','med_income'])
# ).encode(
#     color=alt.Color('med_income:Q',scale=alt.Scale(scheme='greenblue')),
#     tooltip=['zipcode:Q','med_income:Q'],
# )
# .transform_lookup(
#     lookup='properties.ZCTA5CE10',
#     from_=alt.LookupData(data=dfmnlatest,key='fips',
#                          fields=['county','cases','deaths','date'])
# )

To visualize the data, we are going to use choropleth map

There are thirty zip code data that can be used for the FourSquare Places API.
We will use folium Python package to visualize the data:

First, we use geopy library to get the latitude and longitude values of St Paul, MN.

# map_stPaul = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=10)

# folium.Choropleth(
#     geo_data=mn_zipcode,
#     name='MN zip code',
# ).add_to(map_stPaul)

# folium.LayerControl().add_to(map_stPaul)

# map_stPaul

Removing zip codes that are far awar from St. Paul area

I am going to remove zip codes that are far away from the St. Paul area:
55109, 55110, 55111, 55112, 55115, 55118, 55120, 55121, 55122, 55123, 55124, 55125, 55126,55127,55128, 55129

dropziplist = ['55109','55110','55111','55112', 
               '55115', '55118', '55120', '55121', 
               '55122', '55123', '55124', '55125', 
               '55126','55127','55128', '55129']

zipStPaul = zipStPaul[~zipStPaul['zipcode'].isin(dropziplist)]
# saving the dataframe for presentation

FourSquare data from FourSquare Places API.

I will utilize the explore function to get venue recommendations and zone in on the pet related categories (e.g. pet store, dog park, dog friendly restaurants)

# get the ID and secret from the obfuscated file 
CLIENT_ID = pd.read_csv('../../Coursera_Capstone/FSclientID.txt',header=None)[0][0] # your Foursquare ID
CLIENT_SECRET = pd.read_csv('../../Coursera_Capstone/FSclientSecret.txt',header=None)[0][0] # your Foursquare Secret
VERSION = '20180605' # Foursquare API version
# modified from previous work:
def getNearbyVenues(zipcode, latitudes, longitudes, radius=500):
    for zipcode, lat, lng in zip(zipcode, latitudes, longitudes):
        # print(name)
        # create the API request URL
        url = '{}&client_secret={}&v={}&ll={},{}&radius={}&limit={}'.format(
        # make the GET request
        results = requests.get(url).json()
        results2 = results["response"]['groups'][0]['items']
        # return only relevant information for each nearby venue
            v['venue']['categories'][0]['name']) for v in results2])

    nearby_venues = pd.DataFrame([item for venue_list in venues_list for item in venue_list])
    nearby_venues.columns = ['Neighborhood',
                             'Neighborhood Latitude', 
                             'Neighborhood Longitude', 
                             'Venue Latitude', 
                             'Venue Longitude',
                             'Venue Zipcode',
                             'Venue Category']
LIMIT = 100
stpaul_venues = getNearbyVenues(zipcode=zipStPaul['zipcode'],latitudes=zipStPaul['latitude'],
Neighborhood Zipcode Neighborhood Latitude Neighborhood Longitude Venue Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Zipcode Venue Category
0 Saint Paul 55101 44.95 -93.09 Barrel Theory Beer Company 44.951021 -93.088258 55101 Brewery
1 Saint Paul 55101 44.95 -93.09 Mears Park 44.949371 -93.087920 55101 Park
2 Saint Paul 55101 44.95 -93.09 The Buttered Tin 44.950857 -93.088679 55101 Bakery
3 Saint Paul 55101 44.95 -93.09 CHS Field 44.950619 -93.084789 55101 Baseball Stadium
4 Saint Paul 55101 44.95 -93.09 St. Paul Farmers' Market 44.949620 -93.085131 55101 Farmers Market
(1400, 9)

Cleaning up the petstpaul_venues data

I clean up the stpaul_venues data through the following methods:

  • Based on the Venue column, separate the unique and duplicated values into two
  • In unique dataframe, fill in the Venue Zipcode column with the Zipcode column
  • In duplicated dataframe, separate them into zero Venue Zipcode and non-zero Venue Zipcode dataframe:
    • for non-zero Venue Zipcode dataframe, only keep the values where Venue Zipcode and Zipcode column matches
    • for zero Venue Zipcode dataframe, search manually and fill in the missing zipcode value
Separate the unique and duplicated values into two:
unique_stpaul_venues = stpaul_venues[~stpaul_venues.duplicated(subset='Venue',keep=False)]
duplicated_stpaul_venues = stpaul_venues[stpaul_venues.duplicated(subset='Venue',keep=False)]
In unique dataframe, fill in the Venue Zipcode column with the Zipcode column
unique_stpaul_venues = unique_stpaul_venues.reset_index(drop=True)
for i in range(len(unique_stpaul_venues)):
    if unique_stpaul_venues.loc[i,'Venue Zipcode'] == 0:
        unique_stpaul_venues.loc[i,'Venue Zipcode'] = unique_stpaul_venues.loc[i,'Zipcode']
In duplicated dataframe, separate them into zero Venue Zipcode and non-zero Venue Zipcode dataframe:
duplicated_stpaul_venues = duplicated_stpaul_venues.sort_values(by='Venue')
zero_duplicated_stpaul_venues = duplicated_stpaul_venues[duplicated_stpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode']==0]
nonzero_duplicated_stpaul_venues = duplicated_stpaul_venues[~(duplicated_stpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode']==0)]
for non-zero Venue Zipcode dataframe, only keep the values where Venue Zipcode and Zipcode column matches
nonzero_duplicated_stpaul_venues = nonzero_duplicated_stpaul_venues.reset_index(drop=True)
nonzero_duplicated_stpaul_venues = nonzero_duplicated_stpaul_venues[
    nonzero_duplicated_stpaul_venues['Zipcode']==nonzero_duplicated_stpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode']]
for zero Venue Zipcode dataframe, search manually and fill in the missing zipcode value
zero_duplicated_stpaul_venues = zero_duplicated_stpaul_venues.reset_index(drop=True)
(33, 9)
Neighborhood Zipcode Neighborhood Latitude Neighborhood Longitude Venue Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Zipcode Venue Category
29 Saint Paul 55106 44.94 -93.05 Subtext Books 44.945629 -93.094695 0 Bookstore
30 Saint Paul 55130 44.97 -93.09 Subtext Books 44.945629 -93.094695 0 Bookstore
31 Saint Paul 55107 44.93 -93.09 Subtext Books 44.945629 -93.094695 0 Bookstore
32 Saint Paul 55101 44.95 -93.09 Subtext Books 44.945629 -93.094695 0 Bookstore
# Carl's Gizmo[1,'Venue Zipcode'] = '55108'
# Falcon Heights Community Park[3,'Venue Zipcode'] = '55113'
# Leinie Lodge Bandshell[6,'Venue Zipcode'] = '55108'
# Lulu's Public House[8,'Venue Zipcode'] = '55108'
# machinery hills[13,'Venue Zipcode'] = '55108'
# mighty midway[17, 'Venue Zipcode'] = '55113'
# minneaple pie[19, 'Venue Zipcode'] = '55108'
# real meal deli[24, 'Venue Zipcode'] = '55101'
# redbox - Maplewood[26, 'Venue Zipcode'] = '55117'
# redbox - St Paul[27, 'Venue Zipcode'] = '55119'
# redbox - Maplewood[28, 'Venue Zipcode'] = '55117'
# subtext books[29, 'Venue Zipcode'] = '55102'
# subtext books[29, 'Zipcode'] = '55102'

zero_duplicated_stpaul_venues = zero_duplicated_stpaul_venues[
    zero_duplicated_stpaul_venues['Zipcode']==zero_duplicated_stpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode']]
Neighborhood Zipcode Neighborhood Latitude Neighborhood Longitude Venue Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Zipcode Venue Category
1 Falcon Heights 55108 44.98 -93.18 Carl's Gizmo 44.986444 -93.169245 55108 Sandwich Place
3 Roseville 55113 45.01 -93.16 Falcon Heights Community Park 44.998524 -93.185745 55113 Park
6 Falcon Heights 55108 44.98 -93.18 Leinie Lodge Bandshell - Minnesota State Fair 44.979990 -93.168811 55108 Concert Hall
8 Falcon Heights 55108 44.98 -93.18 Lulu's Public House 44.981229 -93.177533 55108 Southern / Soul Food Restaurant
13 Falcon Heights 55108 44.98 -93.18 Machinery Hill - Minnesota State Fair 44.985519 -93.169700 55108 Electronics Store
17 Roseville 55113 45.01 -93.16 Mighty Midway 44.980074 -93.175349 55113 Theme Park Ride / Attraction
19 Falcon Heights 55108 44.98 -93.18 Minneapple Pie 44.978595 -93.171173 55108 Diner
24 Saint Paul 55101 44.95 -93.09 Real Meal Delicatessen 44.947036 -93.090568 55101 American Restaurant
26 Maplewood 55117 45.00 -93.10 Redbox 44.976818 -93.067060 55117 Video Store
27 Saint Paul 55119 44.94 -93.01 Redbox 44.962580 -92.984799 55119 Video Store
28 Maplewood 55117 45.00 -93.10 Redbox 44.987457 -93.105877 55117 Video Store
29 Saint Paul 55102 44.94 -93.05 Subtext Books 44.945629 -93.094695 55102 Bookstore
Combining them all back
stpaul_venues = pd.concat([nonzero_duplicated_stpaul_venues,zero_duplicated_stpaul_venues, unique_stpaul_venues])
Ensuring the venues are all located in St. Paul region zipcode
# set Venue Zipcode column into integer so that I can sort it by values
stpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode'] = stpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode'].astype(int)
# sort by Venue Zipcode value
stpaul_venues = stpaul_venues.sort_values(by='Venue Zipcode')
# ensure that venues are located in the zipStPaul['zipcode']
stpaul_venues = stpaul_venues[stpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode'].isin(zipStPaul['zipcode'])]
# reset the index
stpaul_venues = stpaul_venues.reset_index(drop=True)
# see what the shape look like
(562, 9)
Let's save the queries into a csv file:
Let's inspect the different categories
stpaul_venues['Venue Category'].unique()
array(['Pizza Place', 'Southern / Soul Food Restaurant', 'Dessert Shop',
       'Brewery', 'New American Restaurant', 'Breakfast Spot',
       'Baseball Stadium', 'Gym / Fitness Center', 'Dive Bar',
       'Asian Restaurant', 'Train Station', 'Sandwich Place', 'Bakery',
       'Liquor Store', 'Coffee Shop', 'Hotel', 'Farmers Market',
       'Theater', 'Gym', 'Thai Restaurant', 'Café', 'Supermarket', 'Bar',
       'Beer Bar', 'Trail', 'American Restaurant', 'Park',
       'Italian Restaurant', 'Non-Profit', 'Mexican Restaurant', 'Spa',
       'Restaurant', 'French Restaurant', 'Lounge', 'Scenic Lookout',
       'Museum', "Men's Store", 'Movie Theater', 'Performing Arts Venue',
       'Eastern European Restaurant', 'Organic Grocery', 'Music Venue',
       'Cocktail Bar', 'History Museum', 'Diner', 'Athletics & Sports',
       'Steakhouse', 'Burger Joint', 'Sporting Goods Shop', 'Market',
       'Science Museum', 'Wine Shop', 'Dog Run', 'Gastropub',
       'Donut Shop', 'Residential Building (Apartment / Condo)',
       'Candy Store', 'Bookstore', 'Jazz Club', 'Hockey Arena',
       'Clothing Store', 'African Restaurant', 'Pub',
       'Vietnamese Restaurant', 'Garden', 'Zoo Exhibit', 'Lake',
       'Noodle House', 'Zoo', 'Theme Park', 'Korean Restaurant',
       'Mini Golf', 'Chinese Restaurant', 'Soccer Stadium',
       'Turkish Restaurant', 'Gift Shop', 'Bistro',
       'Ethiopian Restaurant', 'Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurant', 'Pool',
       'Garden Center', 'Thrift / Vintage Store', 'Toy / Game Store',
       'Ramen Restaurant', 'BBQ Joint', 'Rock Club', 'Hobby Shop',
       'Boutique', 'Bubble Tea Shop', 'Arts & Crafts Store',
       'Music Store', 'Salon / Barbershop', 'Grocery Store', 'Wine Bar',
       'Butcher', 'Cheese Shop', 'Sushi Restaurant',
       'Mediterranean Restaurant', 'Gourmet Shop', 'Smoke Shop',
       'Taco Place', 'Juice Bar', 'Ice Cream Shop', "Women's Store",
       'Yoga Studio', 'Cosmetics Shop', 'Seafood Restaurant',
       'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Church', 'Indie Theater',
       'Basketball Court', 'Sports Bar', 'Motel', 'Burrito Place',
       'Harbor / Marina', 'Automotive Shop', 'Electronics Store',
       'Scandinavian Restaurant', 'Event Space', 'Exhibit',
       'General College & University', 'Concert Hall',
       'General Entertainment', 'Caribbean Restaurant', 'Bagel Shop',
       'Stadium', 'Snack Place', 'Campground', 'Beer Garden', 'Casino',
       'Kitchen Supply Store', 'Shoe Store', 'German Restaurant',
       'Department Store', 'Golf Course', 'Jewelry Store',
       'Mobile Phone Shop', 'Disc Golf', 'Indian Restaurant',
       'Shopping Mall', 'Lingerie Store', 'Skating Rink',
       'Furniture / Home Store', 'Bike Shop', 'Greek Restaurant',
       'Miscellaneous Shop', 'Big Box Store', 'Pet Store',
       'Theme Park Ride / Attraction', 'Middle Eastern Restaurant',
       'Antique Shop', 'Record Shop', 'Tea Room', 'Massage Studio',
       'Deli / Bodega', 'Frozen Yogurt Shop', 'Hookah Bar',
       'Discount Store', 'Soccer Field', 'Gas Station', 'Beach',
       'Tex-Mex Restaurant', 'Video Store', 'Veterinarian',
       'Baseball Field', 'Coworking Space', 'Bowling Alley', 'ATM',
       'Pharmacy', 'Supplement Shop'], dtype=object)

Category of interests are:

  • Dog Run
  • Pet Store
  • Veterinarian

How many of them are there in the dataset?

# listing all the category of interest:
catInt = ['Dog Run','Pet Store','Veterinarian']
# subsetting the data
justpetfoursquare= stpaul_venues[stpaul_venues['Venue Category'].isin(catInt)]
# resetting the index:
justpetfoursquare = justpetfoursquare.reset_index(drop=True)
Neighborhood Zipcode Neighborhood Latitude Neighborhood Longitude Venue Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Zipcode Venue Category
0 Saint Paul 55102 44.93 -93.12 High Bridge Dog Park 44.935525 -93.106320 55102 Dog Run
1 Roseville 55113 45.01 -93.16 Chuck & Don's Pet Food Outlet 45.024081 -93.169918 55113 Pet Store
2 Saint Paul 55114 44.97 -93.20 Twin Cities Reptiles 44.963767 -93.196522 55114 Pet Store
3 Saint Paul 55116 44.91 -93.17 Chuck & Don's Pet Food Outlet 44.916832 -93.189630 55116 Pet Store
4 Saint Paul 55116 44.91 -93.17 Petco 44.918520 -93.196697 55116 Pet Store
5 Maplewood 55117 45.00 -93.10 Como Park Animal Hospital 44.971809 -93.125984 55117 Veterinarian
6 Saint Paul 55119 44.94 -93.01 Battle Creek Dog Park 44.939410 -93.001641 55119 Dog Run
7 Saint Paul 55130 44.97 -93.09 Arlington Arkwright Dog Park 44.982032 -93.083346 55130 Dog Run

There are only 8 values and there should be more. So, I will augment the values from FourSquare API with values from yelp API.

Yelp API

# get the ID and secret from the obfuscated file 
APIkey = pd.read_csv('../../brainstorming/yelp-cred/APIkey',header=None)[0][0] # my yelp APIkey
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % APIkey}
# yelp has a limit of 50 for their query
LIMIT = 50
# modified from the earlier function to match the yelp API
def getQueryVenues(query, zipcode, latitudes, longitudes, radius=500):
    for zipcode, lat, lng in zip(zipcode, latitudes, longitudes):
        # create the API request URL
        url = '{}&latitude={}&longitude={}&radius={}&limit={}'.format(
        # make the GET request
        results = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()['businesses']
        # return only relevant information for each nearby venue
            v['categories'][0]['title']) for v in results])

    nearby_venues = pd.DataFrame([item for venue_list in venues_list for item in venue_list])
    nearby_venues.columns = ['zip_code', 
                  'Zipcode Latitude', 
                  'Zipcode Longitude', 
                  'Venue Zipcode',
                  'Venue Latitude', 
                  'Venue Longitude', 
                  'Venue Category']
petstpaul_venues = getQueryVenues(query='pet',
(660, 8)
# limit only to the zipcode from what we queried in zipStPaul:
petstpaul_venues = petstpaul_venues[petstpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode'].isin(zipStPaul['zipcode'])]

Cleaning up the petstpaul_venues data

I clean up the petstpaul_venues data through the following methods:

  • Based on the Venue column, separate the unique and duplicated values into two
  • In unique dataframe, they are all set!
  • In duplicated dataframe, separate them into rows where Venue Zipcode and Zipcode are the same and rows where they are not:
    • Keep all the values when Venue Zipcode and Zipcode are the same
    • Remove the duplicates when Venue Zipcode and Zipcode are not the same
Based on the Venue column, separate the unique and duplicated values into two
unique_petstpaul_venues = petstpaul_venues[~petstpaul_venues.duplicated(subset='Venue',keep=False)]
duplicated_petstpaul_venues = petstpaul_venues[petstpaul_venues.duplicated(subset='Venue',keep=False)]
# see the unique values:
zip_code Zipcode Latitude Zipcode Longitude Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
301 55107 44.93 -93.09 The Day Spaw 55107 44.882454 -93.076205 Pet Groomers
382 55113 45.01 -93.16 Metro Pet Spa 55113 45.032089 -93.176186 Pet Sitting
570 55119 44.94 -93.01 Funtastic K9 Training 55119 44.949660 -93.017220 Pet Training
574 55119 44.94 -93.01 Century Animal Clinic 55119 44.966652 -92.985361 Veterinarians
In unique dataframe, they are all set!
In duplicated dataframe, separate them into rows where Venue Zipcode and Zipcode are the same and rows where they are not:
Keep all the values when Venue Zipcode and Zipcode are the same
duplicated_petstpaul_venues = duplicated_petstpaul_venues.sort_values(by='Venue')
duplicated_petstpaul_venues = duplicated_petstpaul_venues.reset_index(drop=True)
value_duplicated_petstpaul_venues = duplicated_petstpaul_venues[
    duplicated_petstpaul_venues['zip_code']==duplicated_petstpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode']]
value_duplicated_petstpaul_venues = value_duplicated_petstpaul_venues.reset_index(drop=True)
(65, 8)
Remove the duplicates when Venue Zipcode and Zipcode are not the same
pickled_duplicated_petstpaul_venues = duplicated_petstpaul_venues[
pickled_duplicated_petstpaul_venues = pickled_duplicated_petstpaul_venues.drop_duplicates(subset='Venue')
zip_code Zipcode Latitude Zipcode Longitude Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
12 55130 44.97 -93.09 Animal House Pet Styling 55113 45.019765 -93.105945 Pet Services
261 55130 44.97 -93.09 The Woof Room 55113 45.002530 -93.106430 Pet Sitting
Combining all the values
petstpaul_venues = pd.concat([unique_petstpaul_venues,
(71, 8)
resetting the index
petstpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode'] = petstpaul_venues['Venue Zipcode'].astype(int)
petstpaul_venues = petstpaul_venues.sort_values(by='Venue Zipcode')
petstpaul_venues = petstpaul_venues.reset_index(drop=True)
petstpaul_venues['Venue Category'].unique()
array(['Dog Walkers', 'Pet Groomers', 'Veterinarians', 'Pet Sitting',
       'Pet Stores', 'Pet Training', 'Pet Services', 'Animal Shelters',
       'Event Photography', 'Pet Photography', 'Cremation Services',
       'Bird Shops'], dtype=object)
# saving the dataframe for presentation

In order to make life a bit easier, we are going to focus on dogs and cats services, so the categories that we are going to consider are:

  • Dog Walkers
  • Veterinarians
  • Pet Groomers
  • Pet Sitting
  • Pet Stores
  • Pet Training
  • Pet Services
  • Animal Shelters
catInt2 = ['Dog Walkers','Veterinarians','Pet Groomers','Pet Sitting',
           'Pet Stores','Pet Training','Pet Services','Animal Shelters']
justpetyelp= petstpaul_venues[petstpaul_venues['Venue Category'].isin(catInt2)]
(67, 8)
zip_code Zipcode Latitude Zipcode Longitude Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
0 55101 44.95 -93.09 Wags Professional Pet Services 55101 44.948967 -93.084534 Dog Walkers
1 55101 44.95 -93.09 Lofty Dogs 55101 44.949890 -93.086370 Dog Walkers
2 55101 44.95 -93.09 Urban Animal Kingdom 55101 44.945536 -93.091914 Dog Walkers
3 55101 44.95 -93.09 Aska Pet Spa & Boutique 55101 44.950398 -93.090086 Pet Groomers
4 55101 44.95 -93.09 Pomeroy's Animal Hospital & Clinic 55101 44.950760 -93.091043 Veterinarians

Combining stpaul_venues and justpetyelp and cleaning up the combined_df data

I combine the two dataframe and named it combined_df. I cleaned up the combined_df data through the following methods:

  • Separate the dataframe in two based on the categories in the stpaul_venues and justpetyelp: check_one and check_two
  • We will keep the dataframe without the categories in the stpaul_venues and justpetyelp (check_two) intact
  • In check_one dataframe, separate them into rows where there are duplicates in Venue and rows where they are not (duplicated_check_one and unique_check_one):
    • Check manually and remove the duplicates on duplicated_check_one
    • Remove the duplicates when Venue Zipcode and Zipcode are not the same
# combining the two dataframes:
onecomb = stpaul_venues.loc[:,['Venue','Venue Zipcode', 'Venue Latitude','Venue Longitude','Venue Category']]
twocomb = justpetyelp.loc[:,['Venue','Venue Zipcode', 'Venue Latitude','Venue Longitude','Venue Category']]
combined_df = pd.concat([onecomb,twocomb])
combined_df = combined_df.sort_values(by='Venue Zipcode')
combined_df = combined_df.reset_index(drop=True)
(629, 5)
Separate the dataframe in two based on the categories in the stpaul_venues and justpetyelp
check_one = combined_df[combined_df['Venue Category'].isin(catInt + list(set(catInt2) - set(catInt)))]
check_two = combined_df[~combined_df['Venue Category'].isin(catInt + list(set(catInt2) - set(catInt)))]
# keep check_two intact
In check_one dataframe, separate them into rows where there are duplicates in Venue and rows where they are not (duplicated_check_one and unique_check_one)
duplicated_check_one = check_one[check_one.duplicated(subset='Venue',keep=False)].sort_values(by='Venue')
unique_check_one = check_one[~check_one.duplicated(subset='Venue',keep=False)]
Check manually and remove the duplicates on duplicated_check_one

The duplicated values are Chuck and Don's, Como Park, Pet Supplies Plus, and Twin Cities Reptiles

strtodel = ['Chuck','Como','Pet Supplies Plus','Twin Cities Reptiles']
for i in strtodel:
    subsetvalue = duplicated_check_one[duplicated_check_one['Venue'].str.contains(i)]
    duplicated_check_one.drop(subsetvalue[subsetvalue.duplicated(subset='Venue Zipcode')].index,inplace=True)
duplicated_check_one = duplicated_check_one.reset_index(drop=True)
# there are two Petco in 55116, delete index 6
Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
0 Banfield Pet Hospital 55113 45.016502 -93.175787 Veterinarians
1 Banfield Pet Hospital 55116 44.917463 -93.186226 Veterinarians
2 Chuck & Don's Pet Food & Supplies 55113 45.021352 -93.170601 Pet Stores
3 Chuck & Don's Pet Food & Supplies 55116 44.917735 -93.189564 Pet Stores
4 Como Park Animal Hospital 55117 44.971808 -93.125987 Veterinarians
5 Petco 55113 45.018555 -93.178525 Pet Stores
7 Petco 55116 44.918520 -93.196697 Pet Store
8 Twin Cities Reptiles 55114 44.963989 -93.196365 Pet Stores
combined the three dataframes back into combined_df
combined_df = pd.concat([duplicated_check_one,unique_check_one,check_two])
combined_df = combined_df.sort_values(by='Venue Zipcode')
combined_df = combined_df.reset_index(drop=True)
(624, 5)
# saving the dataframe for presentation

Methodology for k-means clustering machine learning

Analyze Each Neighborhood
# one hot encoding
stpaul_onehot = pd.get_dummies(combined_df[['Venue Category']], prefix="", prefix_sep="")

# add neighborhood column back to dataframe
stpaul_onehot['Zipcode'] = combined_df['Venue Zipcode'] 

# move neighborhood column to the first column
fixed_columns = [stpaul_onehot.columns[-1]] + list(stpaul_onehot.columns[:-1])
stpaul_onehot = stpaul_onehot[fixed_columns]

Zipcode ATM African Restaurant American Restaurant Animal Shelters Antique Shop Arts & Crafts Store Asian Restaurant Athletics & Sports Automotive Shop ... Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurant Veterinarians Video Store Vietnamese Restaurant Wine Bar Wine Shop Women's Store Yoga Studio Zoo Zoo Exhibit
0 55101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 55101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 55101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 55101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 55101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 178 columns

Next, let's group rows by neighborhood and by taking the mean of the frequency of occurrence of each category

stpaul_grouped = stpaul_onehot.groupby('Zipcode').mean().reset_index()
Zipcode ATM African Restaurant American Restaurant Animal Shelters Antique Shop Arts & Crafts Store Asian Restaurant Athletics & Sports Automotive Shop ... Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurant Veterinarians Video Store Vietnamese Restaurant Wine Bar Wine Shop Women's Store Yoga Studio Zoo Zoo Exhibit
0 55101 0.0 0.000000 0.020833 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.041667 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.000000 0.020833 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 55102 0.0 0.012987 0.051948 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.012987 0.0 ... 0.000000 0.038961 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.012987 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 55103 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.058824 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.117647 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.058824 0.117647
3 55104 0.0 0.020833 0.000000 0.020833 0.0 0.000000 0.020833 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.020833 0.020833 0.0 0.062500 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
4 55105 0.0 0.000000 0.013699 0.000000 0.0 0.027397 0.027397 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.000000 0.027397 0.0 0.000000 0.013699 0.013699 0.013699 0.013699 0.000000 0.000000

5 rows × 178 columns

Borrow the function to get the most common venue from previous works:

def return_most_common_venues(row, num_top_venues):
    row_categories = row.iloc[1:]
    row_categories_sorted = row_categories.sort_values(ascending=False)
    return row_categories_sorted.index.values[0:num_top_venues]
num_top_venues = 10

indicators = ['st', 'nd', 'rd']

# create columns according to number of top venues
columns = ['Zipcode']
for ind in np.arange(num_top_venues):
        columns.append('{}{} Most Common Venue'.format(ind+1, indicators[ind]))
        columns.append('{}th Most Common Venue'.format(ind+1))

# create a new dataframe
neighborhoods_venues_sorted = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
neighborhoods_venues_sorted['Zipcode'] = stpaul_grouped['Zipcode']

for ind in np.arange(stpaul_grouped.shape[0]):
    neighborhoods_venues_sorted.iloc[ind, 1:] = return_most_common_venues(stpaul_grouped.iloc[ind, :], num_top_venues)

Zipcode 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
0 55101 Brewery Dog Walkers Bar Pizza Place Liquor Store Farmers Market Sandwich Place Hotel New American Restaurant Asian Restaurant
1 55102 Bar Italian Restaurant American Restaurant Park Café Veterinarians Mexican Restaurant Coffee Shop French Restaurant Theater
2 55103 Zoo Exhibit Garden Vietnamese Restaurant Lake Pet Training Noodle House Park Theme Park Liquor Store Farmers Market
3 55104 Coffee Shop Vietnamese Restaurant Pet Sitting Gym Breakfast Spot Korean Restaurant Pizza Place Brewery Burger Joint Café
4 55105 Coffee Shop Bakery Pizza Place Liquor Store Italian Restaurant Ice Cream Shop Pet Groomers Pub Café Restaurant

Cluster Neighborhoods

After combining them, let's start with running multiple K values to find the optimal number of clusters for this particular dataset:

stpaul_grouped_clustering = stpaul_grouped.drop('Zipcode', 1)

K = range(1, 14)
kmeans_per_k = [KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=42).fit(stpaul_grouped_clustering)
                for k in K]
Sum_of_squared_distances = [model.inertia_ for model in kmeans_per_k]

# plot the K
optimal_k= pd.DataFrame(data= Sum_of_squared_distances, columns = ['Sum_of_squared_distances'], index = K)
optimal_k.rename_axis('K', axis = 'columns', inplace = True)
optimal_k.plot(kind = 'line', figsize = (10, 5), marker = '.')
             xy=(5, Sum_of_squared_distances[4]),
             xytext=(0.55, 0.55),
             textcoords='figure fraction',
             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1)
plt.title('Elbow Method For Optimal k')

Another approach is to use silhouette score (mean of the silhouette coefficient over all the instances).

silhouette_scores = [silhouette_score(stpaul_grouped_clustering,
                     for model in kmeans_per_k[1:]]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
plt.plot(range(2, 14), silhouette_scores, "bo-")
plt.xlabel("$k$", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Silhouette score", fontsize=14)
plt.axis([1.8, 7.5, 0.03, 0.25])

The best K value seems to be 5 for our datasets.

Run the k-means into 5 clusters:

# set number of clusters
kclusters = 5

stpaul_grouped_clustering = stpaul_grouped.drop('Zipcode', 1)

# run k-means clustering
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=kclusters, random_state=0).fit(stpaul_grouped_clustering)
stpaul_merged = zipStPaul
# add clustering labels
neighborhoods_venues_sorted.insert(0, 'Cluster Labels', kmeans.labels_)

# merge zipStPaul with neighborhoods_venues to add latitude/longitude for each neighborhood
stpaul_merged = stpaul_merged.join(neighborhoods_venues_sorted.set_index('Zipcode'), on='zipcode')

zipcode med_income latitude longitude Cluster Labels 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
0 55101 40300 44.95 -93.09 1 Brewery Dog Walkers Bar Pizza Place Liquor Store Farmers Market Sandwich Place Hotel New American Restaurant Asian Restaurant
1 55102 46255 44.93 -93.12 1 Bar Italian Restaurant American Restaurant Park Café Veterinarians Mexican Restaurant Coffee Shop French Restaurant Theater
2 55103 28899 44.97 -93.13 4 Zoo Exhibit Garden Vietnamese Restaurant Lake Pet Training Noodle House Park Theme Park Liquor Store Farmers Market
3 55104 44629 44.96 -93.17 1 Coffee Shop Vietnamese Restaurant Pet Sitting Gym Breakfast Spot Korean Restaurant Pizza Place Brewery Burger Joint Café
4 55105 76472 44.93 -93.16 1 Coffee Shop Bakery Pizza Place Liquor Store Italian Restaurant Ice Cream Shop Pet Groomers Pub Café Restaurant

Visualizing the clusters:

# create map
map_clusters = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=11)

# set color scheme for the clusters
x = np.arange(kclusters)
ys = [i + x + (i*x)**2 for i in range(kclusters)]
colors_array = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(ys)))
rainbow = [colors.rgb2hex(i) for i in colors_array]

# add markers to the map
markers_colors = []
for lat, lon, poi, cluster in zip(stpaul_merged['latitude'], stpaul_merged['longitude'], stpaul_merged['zipcode'], stpaul_merged['Cluster Labels']):
    label = folium.Popup(str(poi) + ' Cluster ' + str(cluster+1), parse_html=True)
        [lat, lon],

Examine Clusters

Now, you can examine each cluster and determine the discriminating venue categories that distinguish each cluster. Based on the defining categories, you can then assign a name to each cluster. I will leave this exercise to you.

Cluster 1

stpaul_merged.loc[stpaul_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 0, stpaul_merged.columns[
    [0,1] + list(range(5, stpaul_merged.shape[1]))]]
zipcode med_income 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
13 55114 38861 Brewery Coffee Shop Record Shop Trail Breakfast Spot Middle Eastern Restaurant Music Store Organic Grocery Scenic Lookout Bakery

Cluster 1 is located in 55114 zipcode, which can be categorized as the St. Anthony neighborhood. It does not seem to be a good place to open a new pet store, with low median income value without any sign of other pet related categories in the 10 most common venues.

Cluster 2

stpaul_merged.loc[stpaul_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 1, stpaul_merged.columns[
    [0,1] + list(range(5, stpaul_merged.shape[1]))]]
zipcode med_income 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
0 55101 40300 Brewery Dog Walkers Bar Pizza Place Liquor Store Farmers Market Sandwich Place Hotel New American Restaurant Asian Restaurant
1 55102 46255 Bar Italian Restaurant American Restaurant Park Café Veterinarians Mexican Restaurant Coffee Shop French Restaurant Theater
3 55104 44629 Coffee Shop Vietnamese Restaurant Pet Sitting Gym Breakfast Spot Korean Restaurant Pizza Place Brewery Burger Joint Café
4 55105 76472 Coffee Shop Bakery Pizza Place Liquor Store Italian Restaurant Ice Cream Shop Pet Groomers Pub Café Restaurant
5 55106 42686 Mexican Restaurant Park Bar Veterinarians Chinese Restaurant Pizza Place Pet Groomers Coffee Shop Organic Grocery Pet Sitting
7 55108 56994 American Restaurant Snack Place Sandwich Place Italian Restaurant Veterinarians Coffee Shop Park Café Campground Scandinavian Restaurant
12 55113 61113 Veterinarians Pizza Place American Restaurant Chinese Restaurant Pet Stores Sandwich Place Park Coffee Shop Italian Restaurant Bakery
15 55116 61142 Park American Restaurant Scenic Lookout Veterinarians Liquor Store Mexican Restaurant Trail Coffee Shop Italian Restaurant Pet Store
16 55117 44040 Veterinarians Sandwich Place Fast Food Restaurant Bar Chinese Restaurant American Restaurant Grocery Store Video Store Gym / Fitness Center Furniture / Home Store
18 55119 56275 Fast Food Restaurant Video Store Pizza Place Hotel Chinese Restaurant Veterinarians Coffee Shop ATM Department Store Shoe Store

Cluster 2 has Dog Walkers, Veterinarians, Pet Sitting, Pet Groomers, and Pet Stores as part of their top 10 most common categories.

From the list, I can recommend opening up a new pet store from 55105 zip code, which is located in the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood. It has a high median income and there is no mention of pet store in the top 10 most common venues in the area.

The second place that I would recommend is the 55108 zip code, which is located near the Falcon Heights area. It has a slightly lower median income, but there are already veterinarians as the top 10 most common venues in this neighborhood.

The third place that I would recommend is the 55119 zip code, which is located in the Battle Creek neighborhood. It has a similar feature as the 55108 location.

Cluster 3

stpaul_merged.loc[stpaul_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 2, stpaul_merged.columns[
    [0,1] + list(range(5, stpaul_merged.shape[1]))]]
zipcode med_income 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
29 55130 30092 American Restaurant Liquor Store Italian Restaurant Pet Training History Museum Gastropub Park Pet Sitting Dog Run Restaurant

Cluster 3 is located in 55130 zipcode, which can be categorized as the Payne-Phalen neighborhood. It does not seem to be a good place to open a new pet store, with low median income value and having Pet Training, Pet Sitting, and Dog Run already in the top 10 most common venue. They signal a saturated neighborhood to open a Pet Store.

Cluster 4

stpaul_merged.loc[stpaul_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 3, stpaul_merged.columns[
    [0,1] + list(range(5, stpaul_merged.shape[1]))]]
zipcode med_income 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
6 55107 44913 Mexican Restaurant Pet Groomers Automotive Shop Burrito Place Taco Place Park Scenic Lookout Brewery Pet Training Harbor / Marina

Cluster 4 is located in 55107 zipcode, which can be categorized as the West End neighborhood. It does not seem to be a good place to open a new pet store, with having both Pet Training and Pet Groomers already in the top 10 most common venue. Pet Groomers usually sell similar items that are the same as Pet Stores on top of their grooming business.

Cluster 5

stpaul_merged.loc[stpaul_merged['Cluster Labels'] == 4, stpaul_merged.columns[
    [0,1] + list(range(5, stpaul_merged.shape[1]))]]
zipcode med_income 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue 6th Most Common Venue 7th Most Common Venue 8th Most Common Venue 9th Most Common Venue 10th Most Common Venue
2 55103 28899 Zoo Exhibit Garden Vietnamese Restaurant Lake Pet Training Noodle House Park Theme Park Liquor Store Farmers Market

Cluster 5 is located in 55103 zipcode, which can be categorized as the North End neighborhood. It does not seem to be a good place to open a new pet store, with low median income.

Dig deeper into the Three Clusters

I picked: 55105, 55108, and 55119 as the three best zip codes to open a new pet store. Let's look at the data on what is available in the area.

zipcode55105 = combined_df[combined_df['Venue Zipcode']==55105]
zipcode55105[zipcode55105['Venue Category'].isin(catInt + list(set(catInt2) - set(catInt)))]
Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
252 Dog Days Daycare & Boarding - Grand Ave 55105 44.939774 -93.174835 Pet Training
253 Animal Medical Clinic 55105 44.934563 -93.166825 Veterinarians
254 Grand Avenue Veterinary Center 55105 44.939693 -93.148247 Veterinarians
255 Grand Groomers 55105 44.939659 -93.140472 Pet Groomers
262 Bubbly Paws 55105 44.940280 -93.140160 Pet Groomers

Check on the grocery and supermarket in the area:

zipcode55105[zipcode55105['Venue Category'].isin(['Grocery Store','Supermarket'])]
Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
190 Kowalski's Market 55105 44.940270 -93.153639 Grocery Store
228 Trader Joe's 55105 44.926666 -93.146004 Grocery Store

There is no pet store competitor for this area, with two veterinary center / animal medical center that might sell pet related items. Moreover, there are two grocery stores that do sell pet related items in their shelves. This area can be a very good location to open up a new pet store, if the type of items sold in the pet stores are different enough than the ones sold in grocery stores.

zipcode55108 = combined_df[combined_df['Venue Zipcode']==55108]
zipcode55108[zipcode55108['Venue Category'].isin(catInt + list(set(catInt2) - set(catInt)))]
Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
346 Raptor Center 55108 44.982871 -93.181639 Veterinarians
347 Animal Humane Society - St. Paul 55108 44.974723 -93.154704 Animal Shelters
354 University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center 55108 44.982202 -93.181925 Veterinarians

Check on the grocery and supermarket category:

zipcode55108[zipcode55108['Venue Category'].isin(['Grocery Store','Supermarket'])]
Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
342 Tim & Tom's Speedy Market 55108 44.981728 -93.195084 Grocery Store

We did not see any pet store in this zip code. Plus, the Tim & Tom's Speedy Market is a specialty grocery store that do not sell pet related items. A close contender in terms of a good location to open up a new pet store.

zipcode55119 = combined_df[combined_df['Venue Zipcode']==55119]
zipcode55119[zipcode55119['Venue Category'].isin(catInt + list(set(catInt2) - set(catInt)))]
Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
591 Scenic Hills Animal Hospital 55119 44.948980 -93.018270 Veterinarians
592 Funtastic K9 Training 55119 44.949660 -93.017220 Pet Training
593 Century Animal Clinic 55119 44.966652 -92.985361 Veterinarians
600 Battle Creek Dog Park 55119 44.939410 -93.001641 Dog Run

Check on the grocery and supermarket category:

zipcode55119[zipcode55119['Venue Category'].isin(['Grocery Store','Supermarket'])]
Venue Venue Zipcode Venue Latitude Venue Longitude Venue Category
608 Aldi Food Market 55119 44.950548 -93.015737 Grocery Store

We did not see any pet store in this zip code, but there are two veterinarians hospitals, where they can potentially sell food and toys for their patients. They also have Aldi grocery store in their area. It is still a great area to have a pet store since the Battle Creek Dog Park is in this neighborhood.