Here are examples of works that I have done in the past for your review:

Visualizing Covid-19 patients number in the State of Minnesota

I queried data from the New York Times github repository, manipulated it, and visualized it using interactive altair package in Jupyter notebook and published it on my website using fastpages.

Finding a new pet store location around St. Paul, MN region

I queried data from Yelp and FourSquare API, manipulated it, and visualized the data using matplotlib and folium in Python; used k-means clustering method implemented in scikit-learn to find the best location in finding a new place to open a new pet store around St. Paul, MN area.

Text Classification with Naive Bayes

I queried data from Rotten Tomatoes Dataset, manipulated it, and visualized the average ratings using matplotlib in Python. I classified the reviews to be "rotten" or "fresh" using Naive Bayes classification in scikit-learn. For topic modeling, I used NLTK and gensim packages.

Grade breakdown using R Shiny app

I used R Shiny app to interactively help students in seeing their grade projection. I added dials for exams, homework, lab, and participation grade. By manipulating these knobs, one can predict what the final letter grade would be by the end of the semester.

YouTube video of Python flask work on n-gram analysis

I used matplotlib and flask to create an end-to-end visualization work to show for a conference presentation.